Commercial Roofing Specialists
Welcome to JGA Roofing
At JGA Roofing, we take great pleasure in protecting what matters most to you: your business, investments, and peace of mind. With decades of experience providing top-tier commercial roofing solutions in Texas, we’ve built a legacy backed by quality, integrity and unmatched expertise. From hailstorm restorations to regular maintenance or new installations, our dedicated roofing team is there for your property to help ensure it stands the test of time.
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Excellence in Commercial Roof Solutions
JGA Roofing goes beyond simply fixing roofs; we build long-term relationships. Our dedication to excellence shows in every project we take on, featuring skilled professionals, cutting edge technologies, and an unwavering dedication to exceeding industry standards. We’re the go-to-choice for businesses across Texas looking for immediate storm damage repairs or planning long-term health maintenance of their roof. With each project, our mission remains the same – exceptional service, unparalleled quality products, and peace of mind knowing your commercial roof is in capable hands.
Featured Project
Jim Hogg County ISD
Elementary, Middle, & High School
- Location: Hebbronville, TX
- Overall Square Footage: 200,000
- Elementary School: 50-mil Duro-Last
membrane Retrofit - Middle School: 50-mil Duro-Last overlay
- High School: 50-mil Duro-Last membrane Retrofit
Operating on Principle
JGA Roofing Systems is a family owned business and has gained success through hard work, dedication, and 38 years of roofing experience. Putting the customer first, JGA has carried every job to completion in a professional and courteous manner. From the office to the field, a team of experienced individuals works together to provide long lasting and efficient solutions for even the most complicated roofing projects. Offering free evaluations and unmatched service, JGA makes it easy for you to find the right solution for your roofing needs.
Roof Assessments Made Easy
With no cost or obligation, a qualified JGA inspector will assess your roof. You will receive honest feedback and recommendations tailored to your unique situation. Contact us today.
Commercial Roofing Specialists
With a primary focus on low-slope commercial roofing, JGA provides and installs the highest quality materials backed by the strongest warranties in the industry. Request an estimate today.
We’ve Got Your Roof Covered!
We’ll assess your roofing needs, offer in-depth consultations, provide roofing systems education, and give you access to helpful resources. Reach out to us!
Read What Our Customers Are Saying

“JGA Roofing Systems were a pleasure to work with. They completed the roof in a timely manner and the quality of work was outstanding. In addition, they were there after the initial installation to help in sealing the roof after we had new HVAC and other rooftop installations. They came back out on our install days and re-sealed around our new rooftop equipment.”
– Matt’s El Rancho

“Imperial Construction, Inc. has been very satisfied with bringing JGA Roofing onboard with this construction team and would not hesitate to work with them again. Communication is a strength of this group and consistent with the management group along with the field managers. JGA was very involved in voluntarily presenting money-saving options for the owner that did not jeopardize the function or quality of the system.”
– Imperial Construction.

“The single-ply membrane was installed in a timely manner and soon afterward, a final inspection performed by their manufacturer yielded high remarks. The team at JGA was communicative throughout the roofing process and their crews were prompt, professional, and safety-minded. We are confident that we will have a quality, long-lasting, and fully warrantied roof and would recommend JGA Roofing to any other school requiring roofing work.”
– Marshall Independent School District
“JGA roofing has installed roofing and worked in other areas on several occasions and has always done their work in a professional manner. I would recommend their product and their work and will use them in the future should the need arise.”
– Diamond Self Storage Management

“As a school, we always prioritize safety, and we were glad to discover that JGA does the same. The crew was very respectful of student space, cleaned up after themselves, and ensured high-traffic areas were always clear. We appreciated that they rearranged their work schedule to meet our needs, exhibited professionalism, and maintained clear channels of communication throughout the project.”
– Seashore Middle School

“JGA Roofing Systems is a standout company in the roofing industry! CapRidge would recommend JGA as a roofing company that is professional, took initiative, honored their word, and provided excellent completion of our roof project. Texas Trial Lawyers Association reviewed multiple proposals in detail and held a final selection meeting choosing JGA for this project.”
– CapRidge Partners